
mopsyd t1_j8ha6vf wrote

After working in tech, I do not trust them anywhere near my neurons. I do not need sponsored dreams, ransomware making me forget my kids until I pay a hacker, rolling release schedules of stuff in my head, or getting ddossed, because in meat terms that's a siezure. No thank you. I have seen the quality of code that is the norm.


mopsyd t1_j8h24ls wrote

Nah, I'll let the kids have their toys and just go quietly reflect on being a fossil of a bygone era who got to see the science fiction become science reality at the tail end of my primitive life. Seems like a pretty dope ride, all things considered.


mopsyd t1_j8gaq7x wrote

I am not willing to play ball with unremovable direct human interfacing or any form of two way interfacing with cognition. Some other generation perhaps, but I am not interested and never will be.


mopsyd t1_j5v4md6 wrote

They are not entitled to but they are going to. Fandoms do crazy stuff, and if you are even tangentially connected then you are subject to it. If you take it in stride, it can actually be a pretty beneficial annoyance. If you push back they will make your life awful, but they are going to show up either way.


mopsyd t1_j02z93g wrote

I would argue that any compulsory repetition will become habit forming eventually, because life wants to find harmony with its environment, and in any context of life aside from modern humans, whatever you encounter routinely is a factor that needs to be adapted to in order to survive. I do not think that dopamine is required for this to occur. Cognitive dissonance, bias, and reflex alone suggest your neurons really want to use what they know already instead of unlearning and re-learning, which is why rehabilitation of any poor conduct is difficult. If you learned self-destructive or outwardly harmful patterns, that is what your brain knows how to apply and it wants to work with what it has just like any other brain.


mopsyd t1_iy9w5oj wrote

I used to install these for a living. Do not share the electric with other things or you risk shorting them if the motor in the garbage disposal stresses, such as if you drop a fork down the drain and it jams. You are much better off just plugging other stuff in elsewhere. Not every electrical source can or should be multipurpose, because fewer things will be affected if there is a complication on a closed circuit. Appliances will cause complication more often than any other thing you plug in, and you probably don’t want that to fry your laptop or stereo system, so they should really just get their own plug.