
mrsctb t1_ja8evsm wrote

It’s not bad. Ignore the whiners. There will always be a market for rentals. There will always be people who can’t buy or don’t want to buy a house. They need a place to live. People love to hate landlords (and shitty ones do exist unfortunately), but there will always be a need for them.

If you have they money/ability and the desire to do so, then go for it.


mrsctb t1_ixa1rtx wrote

Somerville has a nice downtown but it doesn’t have a city feel…to me at least. I don’t think you’ll love it. Morristown is likely more your speed. Summit isn’t bad either, but it’s definitely more suburban like. Westfield is nice, also suburban though (I live here, so I feel like I know it well). I’d check out Morristown before anything if I were you