
mrsoojay t1_j2fnhrd wrote

Indeed. Water was notoriously unhealthy in many parts of the world, causing severe illness and death. But beer requires boiling the water first, removing said bacteria. It also contributed to creative and inventive thinking. The pyramids, math, modern agriculture, factories, all from beer. There’s a Discovery TV series called How Beer Saved The World that I highly recommend.


mrsoojay t1_j2fhrz2 wrote

Alcohol in moderation can actually be good for you. I do mean moderation though. And the world would not be the way it is today without beer.

Tobacco on the other hand, I just don’t get. There are no health benefits. It’s purposely filled with shit that does even more harm to you, and it’s made to be addictive. The fact that the government makes a fuckload of taxes from it should not be an issue. That’s like saying a criminal should be allowed to keep robbing banks because they rely on the income. And when you consider the strain the diseases from smoking put on the healthcare system, surely there’s some kind of trade off.


mrsoojay t1_iuadmwc wrote

I wouldn’t say boring. But too long and very very grim. I mean even Nolan’s Batman had some lighthearted moments to ease the tension for a while. The Batman was fucking depressing at times.