
mybigbadthrowaway t1_j6ctnql wrote

I agree with all the others here on suggestions for getting out as quickly as possible. The support services will be needed.

I also want to point out a couple things just to put the thought out there for your future. Don't get an eviction on your record. You don't even want to come up when there is a court records search. That will severely limit what type of housing you can get in the future. You don't want to take away the option to turn down a shitty place because in Philly with even a filing showing up in your name, lots of places will be an automatic no.

Second item ties in to the first. It seems like you are cohabitating in the same place as your mother. I'm assuming that means you guys are related and sharing amenities. If that is the case you are not a standard tenant afforded the same protections as someone who is renting a private residence they have exclusive use of. There are a lot of leeway given to "landlords" in these cohabitation scenarios that would not be given to a tenant in a private residence. This brings back the challenge of "I told her get me an eviction notice" as really hurting your future chances if what she thinks she needs to do is go to court and file.