
myflippinggoodness t1_jaey5bz wrote

Ok, mby you're someone to ask about this: what if they put up like a big, heavy metal shield just to float around, let small shit smash into it, just so the small shit loses velocity and falls into LOW LEO so that it falls in like a couple years instead of a couple centuries?

Hopes like I'm 5 👌


myflippinggoodness t1_iy8cqur wrote

>Where do you get this over exaggerated information that is designed to do nothing except fear monger

Fear mongering?? That's a pretty damning accusation. Why don't you tell me why the f*** I shouldn't be worried about that at all. Link all the evidence now. Don't just stand on some f****** pedestal you just pulled out of your ass


myflippinggoodness t1_iy5dy00 wrote

On Japan's trains--VERY TRUE, they have an awesome setup for densely populated urban areas.. but everything here is so spread out, and there's the weather to contend with too.. I mean, I'm thinking heavy supply transit more than just ppl transit.. ah fuck it, soup the shit outta Canada's current transcontinental rail systems. That's probably step 1


myflippinggoodness t1_ixsw4db wrote


.. Ok, I will cede on that point there. I'm still extremely skeptical of our ability to get MANNED crews over there, but ok, robots. Shoot mang, you may have just sold me on a feasible next step after lunar colonization (by which I mean just a cheap moon base lol)! I actually tip my hat to you sir 👍👍

OOH K AFTER THOSE.. small asteroid retrieval, and landing that on the moon (SAFELY) for deployment to Earth. One day, I'm thinkin bigass lunar shipping yard 😗💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


myflippinggoodness t1_ixsivyh wrote

For which claims? Do you mean presumed risk of solar radiation just killing everybody by the time they get there? Or are you talking about the transition from zero gravity to 0.3 gravity to zero gravity to 1G not absolutely disabling everybody? How about the whole crew staying completely saying for the entire duration of the trip (which I believe is AT BEST like 19 months--you google it)?

Plus the (roughly; orbits do get fucky like that) 1000x distance? Once again, Google it

Edit: E-lawn's pr crew seems to be working overtime lol
