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[deleted] t1_j1ovuns wrote



PsyOpBunnyHop t1_j1p0gb5 wrote

"I invented the Internet." - Kanye


StyleSoFree t1_j1qt01l wrote

“He made outrageous claims like he invented the question mark”


penguins_are_mean t1_j1qvcn2 wrote

“He would accuse chestnuts of being lazy.”


agumonkey t1_j1qaq2w wrote

"yesterday, i clicked on google, and i thought, man we really should all have pages like that for everything. genius"


CQ1_GreenSmoke t1_j1r4p57 wrote

Everybody knows Al Gore invented the internet. Why else would it use so many al gore rhythms?


chilicuntcarne t1_j1qpfe5 wrote

> Bob Kahn and I would be arguing for days about how to go about the handshake. We immediately knew how to implement it after seeing a video of Kanye doing a three-way-handshake.

- Vint Cerf

> During my CERN days I struggled a lot with design decisions while working on ENQUIRE. I was fortunate enough to have a direct line to Kanye. He told me what to do.

- Tim Berners-Lee


badaboomxx t1_j1rktyi wrote

Even if he'd say this, it wouldn't be his most crazy statement so far.


yoortyyo t1_j1rv6b7 wrote

Al Gore Stole the internet from me - ye


DavidHewlett t1_j1py2dz wrote

You mean the man who claimed his greatest regret in life was that he would never be able to watch himself perform live, may have said something completely bonkers?


[deleted] t1_j1q450x wrote



SpambotSwatter t1_j1rrtzr wrote

/u/Savinghk is a scammer! Do not click any links they share or reply to. Please downvote their comment and click the report button, selecting Spam then Harmful bots.

With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer.

>!^(If this message seems out of context, it may be because Savinghk is copying content to farm karma, and deletes their scam activity when called out - Read the pins on my profile for more information.)!<


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1pi17d wrote

> Yes, yes he did

No, no he didn't.

He never said he wrote the plot, he just pitched the idea to use a slave theme for his video.

Tarantino said he had the idea earlier but he also confirms most of Kanye West's statement. Saying he had the idea earlier is not something anyone can prove or disprove however.

I'm not defending Kanye West. Dumb thing to try to take credit for personally, especially since the Django character was based on the earlier Mandingo movies from the 70s and Tarantino made his career by reviving Blaxploitation.


SophisticatedVagrant t1_j1pk2ip wrote

> Tarantino made his career by reviving Blaxploitation.

What? Tarantino made his name with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction long before he did Jackie Brown.


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1pktt7 wrote

Reservoir Dogs isn't blaxploitation but True Romance and Pulp Fiction both rely on the stereotypes. Sam Jackson and Gary Oldman specifically. Blaxploitation is aimed at white youth consumers who love the urban image. Jackie Brown was just a blatant blaxploitation movie after people forgot why they were criticized in the past.


danteheehaw t1_j1pu2mg wrote

Blackspoitation movies were made by black people because black people kept getting shut out of hollywood. When they ended up becoming popular hollywood realized easy cheap movies aimed at black people were very profitable. They amped up the "exploitation" as time went on in typical fashion of movies trying to one up one another. Then like a lot of x-sploitation genres they died off as the themes of the genre naturally found there way into other films or avenues without being over the top. Occasionally a new one springs up that gains some traction.


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1pwmg7 wrote

Mario Van Peebles started the genre in the early 70s as a serious black film maker but Hollywood appropriated the genre to sell a dumbed down superficial version to white consumers who love all things 'black'.

This song is almost 100 years old.

White American youth were stuck going to church on Sunday, praying nightly, and being told pretty much everything fun is 'sinful'.

Meanwhile, 'black' people were partying, smoking weed, getting drunk, having sex, and making good music.

Race records in the past were made by black artists then appropriated by the music industry who sold it to white kids who loved it and hated their parents, the church, their teachers, etc...

They turned anti-establishment and became rebel Hipsters.

Hollywood has been exploiting black people since Vaudeville & Minstrel shows. This was fairly common knowledge until the early 90s to be honest.


Jonsj t1_j1qhtrj wrote

I still don't understand how you can use appropriation about art and culture inspiring and developing off each other.

All artist, all culture is based on something else, usually inspired or formed by society around the artist. Do you suggest we fine comb all culture and artistic expression, lock it down and then form a committee shutting down anything that can be found anywhere else? We also have to find the earliest expression of that art form and make sure they keep the rights to make anything in that expression and everything else is banned.


Timmehtwotimes t1_j1pnx84 wrote

When you sjw so hard your brain turns off


Jumanji0028 t1_j1pykhp wrote

You think sjw's are defending the Nazi? That's funny.


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1pp8xg wrote

Opposite actually. This stuff was designed to pander to the 60s/70s version of 'social justice warriors'.

This scene from Fritz the Cat satirizes those types of people.

This Kids in the Hall skit satirizes the 90s version.


plomautus t1_j1pvg5k wrote

Hey american sjw, you claimed Tarantino made his career by reviving Blacksploitation. Prove it then, because all evidence points to him making it with Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and sementing it with Kill Bill.


Zakluor t1_j1qeykm wrote


Is this when you use semen to join things together?


tobygeneral t1_j1rl6bh wrote

There WERE a lot of feet shots in KB, so it's possible.


plomautus t1_j1rzq1v wrote

No, you're thinking of arranged marriages.


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1rmr0c wrote

I'm not American or an SJW.

> Prove it then

You're on a sub devoted to 'white people' talking about a movie about slaves getting revenge against their southern masters.

Black people in the 80s were tired of this stuff back then.

> sementing

I normally ignore typos but how do you fuck up spelling cementing? If english isn't your native tongue, I'd understand.


plomautus t1_j1rzky4 wrote

>You're on a sub devoted to 'white people' talking about a movie about slaves getting revenge against their southern masters.

Weird didnt know r/videos was devoted to white people talking about slave revenge movies.

>I normally ignore typos but how do you fuck up spelling cementing? If english isn't your native tongue, I'd understand.

Cement kirjoitetaa suomeksi "sementti" joten meni ajattelematta sen enempää suomi ja englanti sekaisin koska c ja s kuulostaa pehmeänä lausuttuna melko samalta. Luulis kuitenki asiayhteydestä ymmärtänvän mitä tuolla tarkoitettiin.


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1rzwt1 wrote

Oh fuck around, I was mixed up in a argument over the same type of crap on that stupid wpt sub. Ha, my bad, apologies. I'm not even going to edit my mistake.


XO_WHORE_Llif3 t1_j1qx5ac wrote

If you can’t watch Pulp Fiction without being hyper fixated on race, you might be the racist


Gary_Vigoda t1_j1rhybf wrote

This came out in 1987 and satirized American's fixation with slave and ghetto movies.

Pulp Fiction came out in 1994 and played heavily off the same stereotypes Hollywood Shuffle criticized.

I'm not American. My observation is critical of Hollywood and left leaning Americans who eat this stuff up.

> If you can’t watch Pulp Fiction without being hyper fixated on race, you might be the racist

Everything you guys watch is about race. Even this stupid ass post is about a slave movie. I don't think it's me that has the race problem.


landslidegh t1_j1psh4a wrote

TL;DW: Kanye wanted to dress up like a slave in a music video


Citadelvania t1_j1qc6st wrote

You have to understand no one had ever made a video featuring a slave before.


TurdFergusonIII t1_j1qfjoh wrote

ROOTS was his idea too


Citadelvania t1_j1qg8hs wrote

I heard he pitched Song of the South 30 years before he was born.


evolving_I t1_j1qyue1 wrote

If we could skip the sweet potato pie and get to the part where he fucking shuts his mouth, that would be greeeeeat.


WebMaka t1_j1r7vww wrote

He sure does seem hellbent on testing the adage that any publicity is good publicity...


Sleth t1_j1qn3uj wrote

His slave name was Toby.


Deapsee60 t1_j1qyqrk wrote

No. It was Kunta Kanye.


FuzzyCrocks t1_j1s9p6v wrote

You fucking hit me that hard again I'm gonna whoop your ass. Just kidding lol


Murkus t1_j1pxh4r wrote

If you don't like Kanye . Stop talking about Kanye.

It really is that simple.


thebendavis t1_j1pz2zk wrote

I never liked Kanye. I'm so sick of this constant bullshit.


Murkus t1_j1q2fx4 wrote

That's all I'm saying.

It's crazy watch the world go from love to hate but talk about him just as much.


heimdal96 t1_j1qp025 wrote

I just find it all really funny so I keep watching


myflippinggoodness t1_j1ri4v2 wrote

It's repetitive and awkward. Yet justified. All in all, gross. What else is on


CmonTouchIt t1_j1qxyw5 wrote

I mean.... I'm Jewish. The shit he says literally affects me and my family. So I'll respectfully disagree, ill always loudly talk about and argue against antisemitism


klavin1 t1_j1wtf2p wrote

"If you just ignore the bullying it will stop <3"


Silver_Greengiant t1_j1pyzf8 wrote

But you just talked about him so you must like the guy 🤔


Murkus t1_j1q2dra wrote

I didn't though. I didnt bring him up


robspeaks t1_j1qkyld wrote

Why do you keep talking about Kanye, are you in love with him?


WastedPenny t1_j1r0wwm wrote

But I like to read people shitting on Kanye ... come on guys, don't stop.


Oikkuli t1_j1qnrn0 wrote

Exactly. People love giving him attention so he keeps acting out to get it. Reddit is especially bad at doing this.


S3guy t1_j1r0m0f wrote

No one turns away from train wrecks in progress.


mayorjimmy t1_j1oxp8a wrote

Well if Kanye thinks he's suing for royalties he done gone and fucked all his credibility so he's going to get laughed out of any court he's dumb enough to step into.


Vegan_Harvest t1_j1p0ozm wrote

>he done gone and fucked all his credibility

I feel like that ship has sailed.


walruskingmike t1_j1p5ts5 wrote

That's literally what they're saying. That he fucked his credibility before this and won't be taken seriously if he sues.


the_original_Retro t1_j1pqlue wrote

I read it the other way, as "THIS CLAIM fucked his credibility", for this specific theme.

West's credibility was super in question before, that's obvious and no argument there.

But that won't get a lot of weight with respect to a specific court case where he's suing for royalties.

"Your honor, the plaintiff's generally not credible" isn't a starting argument.

But if instead it's "Your honor, we can specifically demonstrate where the plaintiff had made misleading claims about ownership and creation of the concept that is the theme of their frivolous lawsuit" (or however a decent lawyer would put it), suddenly it's really relevant.


Jetztinberlin t1_j1pq02c wrote

Sailed, mutinied, entire crew filled with scurvy and gangrene, burst into flames, and sank beneath the waves, never to be seen again.


swivelmaster t1_j1q704n wrote

That ship sailed and sank so dramatically, James Cameron is going to make a movie about it.


spiderborland t1_j1qjx3o wrote

That ship sailed and went so poorly, that Kanye is suing Steven Spielberg for stealing his idea.


publicbigguns t1_j1oy6rc wrote

Kenya gonna learn about "discovery"


gordo65 t1_j1q3ucf wrote

Honestly, I don't think discovery would hurt him. We already know that he's mentally ill, and that his illness causes him to fall into paranoia and to engage in self-destructive behavior. Really, what else is there to discover that he hasn't already published himself?


publicbigguns t1_j1q5c85 wrote

>Really, what else is there to discover that he hasn't already published himself?

Don't know, it hasn't been disclosed yet.


LevyShorts t1_j1p0cls wrote

Can't sure for an idea, because you can't copyright an idea. Ideas are always public domain. Only expressions of ideas are copyrightable.


IndIka123 t1_j1p3bvr wrote

When people in the past have sued for a stolen pitch, it’s because they submit a script. If there was a script then yes your Could sue over an idea that was stolen if they read it, then used it and cut you out. However we all know Kanye didn’t write a script and he pitched a slave idea and thinks now he wrote Django.


mayorjimmy t1_j1p12ze wrote

for those of us living on planet reality. unfortunately the US court system is fucked and we have to humor even insane dickheads so scumbag lawyers can make money. as long as he can find a lawyer willing to take his money it's still possible he might try it.


29979245T t1_j1p6qbk wrote

A case where there's no evidence or the claim would be legally meaningless regardless can usually be thrown out by a judge without ever seeing a jury.

Which is the best way it could work, unless Planet Reality is the name of a supercomputing paper shredder that can stop stupid lawsuits from even being submitted to the legal system.


mayorjimmy t1_j1p7444 wrote

> unless Planet Reality is the name of a supercomputing paper shredder that can stop stupid lawsuits from even being submitted to the legal system

oh man i WISH


ShadoWolf t1_j1r7kkd wrote

Over turning something like "Scènes à faire" would utterly cripple media. Which would what have to happen to go from .. general vague idea to copyrightable


MisterET t1_j1qenik wrote

It's a completely meritless claim with no evidence. His credibility is shot, but that won't even be a factor in dismissing this.


TimmyIo t1_j1q9ekg wrote

Wouldn't he need evidence? Like a rough draft etc


angryswooper t1_j1q9ms1 wrote

What the fuck is with the editing in that video seeming to clip together every few words? Or was my player that bad?


throwawayfghtyu t1_j1qnl8a wrote

Our generation doesn't have the ability to maintain focus through natural pauses in dialogue longer than 0.4 seconds, they removed them so we can stay focused obviously


the_prion t1_j1qv7zi wrote

Well the actual reason is that it’s a YouTube short which has to be under a minute so they’re forced to do that.


acdcfanbill t1_j1r8j6q wrote

Couldn't they have left it a regular video then and we wouldn't have been forced into a stupid aspect ratio as well?


queer_pier t1_j1rp8z1 wrote

Youtube shorts get more views and will likely be seen by more people


DMKiY t1_j1qrrxi wrote

Unironically, that is correct.


Universalsupporter t1_j1qulso wrote

Stop using commas please I can’t take it


DMKiY t1_j1qv36s wrote

You don't have to read or reply :)


Universalsupporter t1_j1qx4i8 wrote

  • by that I meant the commas make sentences take too much time to read and therefore I can’t hold my attention that long. :-)

DMKiY t1_j1qx8fc wrote

Haha my bad and my misunderstanding


mikebailey t1_j1qx5h1 wrote

Not quite, it’s due to the platform - both restrictions and ad revenue


diacewrb t1_j1quwr8 wrote

Probably explains all those weird 2-3 second long trailers before the actual trailer begins these days.


Nerdcoreh t1_j1ras26 wrote

Damn thats genius, wish someone would remove the parts i breathe so i can speak faster


StifleStrife t1_j1ra0n2 wrote

Yeah, mostly has to do with everything we watch actually not mattering.


Laenoric t1_j1r8wah wrote

ADHD Tiktok editing. Welcome to the new internet.


ZoidyBoy t1_j1r09ej wrote

Really great response from Tarantino


FullMaxPowerStirner t1_j1r8fpb wrote

lol is this Youtube's new attempt to compete with TikTok? Portrait mode still sucks, no matter what.


Peter_G t1_j1rcgg6 wrote

Tarantino is great, every single time I hear him interviewed it's either on entertaining anecdote, or I actually learn something about Cinema.


MessiahPrinny t1_j1rg9w6 wrote

In Kanye's version the butler was the good guy.


Phannig t1_j1rigs1 wrote

When I first heard about Django Unchained I assumed Tarantino was making his version of the 1966 Django which to this day is considered one of the most violent movies ever made. Throwing Tarantino into that mix would have been epic. What we got was a bit..meh…in comparison to what I was hoping for.


lekoman t1_j1s71hc wrote

Kanye is a textbook narcissist (and that's not just me throwing around that word without knowing what it means because it's the internet and it's trendy to call people narcissists). He literally thinks all good ideas must've been his idea.


hippyengineer t1_j1svrzx wrote

All right, let me ask you this. Tell me if this is creative: when I was five, I imagined that there was such a thing as a unicorn. And this is before I had even... heard of one or seen one. I just drew a picture of a horse that could fly over rainbows and had a huge spike in its head. I was five. Five years old! Couldn't even talk yet!


rosencrantz2014 t1_j1pzn1g wrote

The fucking guy just want attention, stop giving it!!


FinalPush t1_j1rgepw wrote

Weird oddly wanting Kanye to be a slave to be funny yet low key power trip stupid pinkie


fukensteller t1_j1riqf1 wrote

Ideas mean nothing unless you can produce it. Ideas are a dime a dozen.

Even if QT got inspiration from his idea, all thats similar is that there is a slave. What about the dialogue, type of characters, or thats its like an old spaghetti western and all of the ideas behind the film.

Its non sense.


midnight_reborn t1_j1rpuli wrote

Why do people still pay any attention to Kanye? He's old news. Irrelevant. Washed up. I only clicked on this post because it mentioned Quentin Tarantino. Otherwise... Kanye Who?


cuteater t1_j1spjek wrote

Quentin Tarantino was my idea.


crlcan81 t1_j1q5747 wrote

Who the fuck cares? Stop giving either of those knobs airtime.


Flash635 t1_j1poo2i wrote

Ha ha ha! The battle of the self entitled jerks.


LemonLimeAlltheTime t1_j1phfti wrote

damn now we're just posting shitty shorts from shitty random channels



dn00 t1_j1pr94i wrote

oh no a video on /r/videos


Murkus t1_j1pxkz2 wrote

I'm fairness. We need to shut about Kanye... Forget that fuck. Stop giving him attention. But he's right about shorts.

This is literally an edit of an edit of an edit of an actually produced video.

Just post the video.


dn00 t1_j1rtrc7 wrote

I mean I don't disagree but it doesn't break any rules. Just downvote, let the community decide and move on.


DexterBotwin t1_j1q14if wrote

AND we NEED to HIGHLIGHT words SO you CAN see THEM


Murkus t1_j1q2jo8 wrote

You alright, pal? I think you got the wrong comment.