
myleftone t1_jbsub6b wrote

Dollar General is actually a different business model. Originally meant to be a thrift chain in an era when a dollar could buy much more, their prices have grown well beyond the name. It can outcompete Walmart because of its smaller footprint and simpler supply logistics.

Plus brand loyalty is a thing. There are people who hate Walmart but love Dollar General, and the reverse. Dollar Tree/Family Dollar (itself more of a thrift store than its owner Dollar Tree) doesn’t offer the same appeal, to the same people. These aren’t actually direct competitors.

Still, in areas that can’t support a variety of business models, it’s depressing. It’s a guarantee there’s a shuttered downtown near these stores.


myleftone t1_jad1k1k wrote

The great original bands have someone driving them. It’s probably the one writing, getting the gigs, showing the most skill, rousing the crowd, and expressing a vision for the band’s future.

Before you talk to your singer, you have to decide if you’re the driver. I can’t tell you how many musicians I’ve held back because I wasn’t the driver, or the talent, but nobody else took the wheel.

If you have the vision, and you can see that your frontman is great at something else, maybe lead guitar, and you should be the lead singer, map out a plan and say so. If it means he’s out, figure out how the band continues without him.

Do it soon. The number of musicians who never grabbed the wheel fills stadiums every summer weekend…as the audience.


myleftone t1_j60otph wrote

Interesting timing. I saw a 15yo kid play parts of this with a looper at an open mic last night. All jaws on the floor. I had to cross out whatever the previous damndest thing I ever saw was.

Guaranteed, that kid is gonna be known.

(Edit: his dad was a regular and pals with the host)


myleftone t1_j226mas wrote

We had a contractor tell us over the phone to check the switch (in this case the burner safety switch by the cellar door), or he could come over to check it, for the minimum charge.

Contractors just know. It’s been Christmas, mothers-in-law have visited, and they tend to mess with everything. It turned out one of them was looking for the kitchen lights.

They also fucked up the fridge temp as usual (trying to get ice) and the universal remote. It took too long to program and I’m not going through that again.


myleftone t1_iu7lney wrote

I play with drummers who hear, read, and match rhythm perfectly and can pick out imperfections in a professional record.

I also know some who literally can’t count off something with an anticipation in it, and are mystified by a base three beat.

Like pitch matching, which never comes for some people, it might be something that is inherently unreachable for you. No big, there’s a bonafide trick I’ve taught people:

Turn it into words.

“Boom boom crack shakalaka boom crack.”

“Whaddaya whaddaya whaddaya say.”

“Hey, here we go, here we go we’re gonna go now.”

Its probable you’ll hear those the same way every time. You can use lyrics you know too. It could be a stepping stone to reading a series of dotted eighths and triplets someday. See if it helps.


myleftone t1_itcfxyq wrote

This is a market in desperate need of competition from high speed rail.

Imagine this graph but ‘babies dropped on head at hospitals’ or ‘salmonella poisoning at restaurants’. This is a criminal level of failure across the entire industry.