ner0417 t1_j9uzbh4 wrote
New Hampshire first introduced this sort of law under the name "Jessica's Law" in 2002, because Granite Stater Jessica Smith was killed by a 9 foot piece of ice that flew off of a tractor-trailer. Hopefully that law rings a bell to all of you, we should all remember it. I dont think any of us wants to be sitting at a funeral where a loved one died because of a piece of ice that didnt get scraped off a roof.
The article I looked up to refresh myself on the event put it well, quoting Jessica's mother Linda Smith as saying, ""It takes not even five minutes to clean off your car," she said. "It can take three seconds to kill somebody"".
I think its probably generally important to also note that, although ice and snow on personal vehicles still may be problematic, it is likely a lot less problematic than ice on commercial vehicles like tractor-trailers and other large trucks and such. I dont think the fines for the average citizen really need to increase, the fines for the actually dangerous commercial vehicles probably do. Hence why commercial truckers are opposing the bill. I personally would like to keep my head on my shoulders.
The lady in OP's article got lucky, but regardless, lest we forget why we talk about this is in the first place, just take a minute to remember Jessica's Law and why its called that, and why its important.
ner0417 t1_jeadq0q wrote
Reply to Not for everyone but I like it. by headed2shredded
Melding machine and nature; love it. Reminds me of the Florans from Starbound. Space-faring, plant-people aliens.