
nerfyies t1_ja56bcp wrote

This is actually one of my favourites, the honey will become more liquid with chillies and the heat wolly be muted. Heat sweet and chilli glazing. Habanero chillies also go very well if you like some more heat.


nerfyies t1_j9xuuaf wrote

You are actually a bit wrong, I actually worked in this space on the technical side, google has a system called rich results, you basically provide Google with a schema that they use to show a summary on the search result. A rich result is for example adding the image of news article directly on the search page but other types of data like faq (some of those drop down questions you see in results are provided by websites) . This mostly benefits the news website as they get free clicks since google promotes this content an places it at the top for free.


nerfyies t1_j8jr6o2 wrote

Your math is way off, first of all the supply side for materials only needs to match the number of new cars added every year which is 12-15M cars every year. Last year a bit more than 2M electric cars where registered in Europe so a rough estimate is that supply for batteries needs to increase by 700% by 2035, around 20% per year increase for 12 years which is achievable if mining is industrialised further.


nerfyies t1_j5rbgfy wrote

The people that run websites decide to show adds by adding a piece of software provided by Google. The website receives money from advertisers and Google gets a cut. They have a similar thing for Ads for apps. What Google does is collect data and uses advanced algorithm that decides which ads go where and who sees them to maximise revenue and value to advertisers.

Facebook works differently because it collects data about users (using shady tactics) and shows ads on its own platform from advertisers that want ads solely on the social media.


nerfyies t1_iuhcibm wrote

It more of a time affect, people are just eating away their saving to continue buying the same stuff they did last year when prices were 10% less even though they are not earning 10% more. Combine this with the increased interest payments and people will run out of money quick. I would say spending will be good till holiday season but then its a rough winter.