
t1_jee7hs0 wrote

If you already have a plate, you should be able to have it assigned to the new car. But this is immaterial if the car is totaled. A car doesn’t need to be registered to “exist” (which is won’t for much longer anyway); it needs to be registered for you to drive it on public roads. Which you can no longer do.


OP t1_j71ms5k wrote

I hope it doesn’t come to that, but that hemlock is right next to my orchard area. He already had a little nibble on one of my peach trees. I doused them all with deer repellent to see if that keeps him away from them and so far it has. Not worried about the house; I don’t have any exposed wood on it. But I’d hate to lose any trees in my orchard.


t1_j704tx7 wrote

It’s true they don’t drop as much. They still drop enough to be significant. Nitrogen filled tires drop pressure by 1.9% for every 10F drop in temperature. A tire filled to 35PSI at 90F will be down almost 7PSI at the -10F temps we will see on Saturday. If you’ve only noticed a 1-2PSI change over temp, you’re either not driving it during wide temp fluctuations or are not paying attention.


OP t1_j6yebsr wrote

North American porcupines like this are, as their name implies, all over North America. They're mainly nocturnal, but being active during the day isn't unknown. This guy's been hanging around our backyard in Chester for a few weeks now, and is out and about during the day quite a bit. He likes to eat the bark off that pine tree, and also sometimes will pull something out of our compost bin.


t1_j6756c7 wrote

Do you know the chick that works the Dunks at the gas station where you go to get your coffee every morning doesn’t actually give a flaming fuck about what crazy thing you saw on the TV last night? She’s just too polite to tell you that you’re an insignificant, boring, stupid, purposeless old man desperate for any human connection (likely because any actual relatives have long since cut off contact). I pity you.

The greater irony is you reporting me to Reddit as someone “in crisis”. The actual crisis is when someone like yourself, who is so out of touch with reality, is going to take a hockey bag, load it up with some of the many, many guns you own, and head out to “teach some people a lesson”.