
nomorobbo t1_j8r3pea wrote

One thing I never understood is that why these lists are so old for information. State employees (as public servants) are updated every quarter. Teachers/police/ etc are updated on a significantly less frequently basis.

The data OP linked is from 2019; so who knows what changed.


nomorobbo t1_ixe4yvz wrote

Things may be different from when I onboarded 6+ years ago, but you should be paid out the balance of your earned time + whatever you've put into PERS since you're not vested.

I do not believe that applies for admin time, as admin time is use or lose, it does not require payout. Same applies for XP or any extra comp time earned in excess of earned time.

Your HR contact for your program would be able to tell your more during your exit process. You should schedule an exit interview soon.