
t1_j6c68vi wrote

Voltage is less important than amperage. 20mA can paralyze your lungs and cause defib. 2A will stop your heart. These are 100Ah cells, they are capable of putting off lethal current.

Edit: Rather than respond to so many people individually, I'll do so with an edit.

First, thanks for many well thought out responses. My response was intentionally kept short because I didn't want to go as in depth as some of you did, I was just laying down for bed when I saw the comment and felt it was important enough to make a response.

Next, a lot of different scenarios were used in the responses: AC/DC, the assumption of dry sky, and the assumption that everything was done right during assembly. I didn't make assumptions, only pointed out that 12V can be lethal. Likely? No. Possible? Yes. So safety first, and I applaud the OP for pointed that out.

Lastly, to those responses that were personal attacks: You don't know me and you don't know what I've been through. I have worked in electrical fields all my life from an Avionics Electrician, oil equipment calibration, to semiconductors. Yes, I know Ohms Law. Yes, I know what Amp Hours are. Again, I kept my response brief because I think it's safer to remind people that low voltage can still be dangerous in the wrong situations.

And I feel it's better to make a blanket statement like "voltage is less important than amperage" rather that "12V is safe".

So, I'm sorry for not being more detailed in my response. But ya'll are quite hurtful, so I guess I'll go back to lurking.
