
nowlistenhereboy t1_j1gnd4n wrote

Yea, not getting it absolutely perfect is not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is that you can potentially eat a very large amount of calories, cover it with a bunch of insulin, and your sugar will appear to be fine. But all the negative effects of that over consumption and excessive insulin will manifest in the same way it would affect a type 2 or even someone who doesn't have diabetes.

This issue is way more pertinent to type 2 diabetics. But even a type 1 could develop insulin resistance in this way as well as the negative side effects of hyperinsulinemia.


nowlistenhereboy t1_j1gkn7d wrote

That totally depends on how much they eat. If they eat enough to the point they are administering more insulin than their body would normally produce if they did not have diabetes, then it's absolutely excess insulin.


nowlistenhereboy t1_j1fzxkm wrote

> I wish we'd stop trying to pin this solely on diet

You can perfectly manage your glucose levels by meticulously testing and administering yourself extra insulin to cover but all of that extra insulin is not without its own cost to your body. Having all of that extra exogenous insulin creates its own set of side effects because insulin does a lot more in your body than just allow glucose into cells. Insulin facilitates growth of adipose tissue and can lead to hypertension, atherosclerosis/heart disease among other things.

Getting exercise and reducing your caloric intake to more closely match your caloric expenditure is the MAIN thing EVERYONE should be doing.


nowlistenhereboy t1_j1fyq2t wrote

Yes but that is not the majority of type 2 diabetics, that's just the worst 'end-stage' cases. Even later on in the disease diet and exercise can majorly improve A1c and reduce reliance on meds. Exercise causes insulin-independent insertion of glut-4 transporters in muscle cells.

Just because DM2 can't be totally cured doesn't mean we should discount the value of lifestyle changes. Yea it's hard for the patient to maintain those habits but we need to find ways to help them do it.


nowlistenhereboy t1_j1fpxtl wrote

Would be interesting to see how many of the non-US based research and development projects have financial ties to US sources of funding and/or expect to make money on their products by selling at higher prices in the US.

I remember looking this up years ago and basically found that the vast majority of biomedical research in the world had ties to the US health industrial complex in some major financial way.


nowlistenhereboy t1_iuzps3m wrote

I mean, you basically explained the appeal yourself. Highly specialized intricate objects means that my house can be completely unique and different from yours. Some people don't want to live in cookie cutter neighborhoods.

Also, people thought it was appealing because they don't consider the reality of 3d printing a house in terms of logistics. They just think you plop down the machine and come back in the morning and there's your house.


nowlistenhereboy t1_irxg5jb wrote

It's possible to have insulin resistance as a type 1 diabetic although not every type 1 diabetic has insulin resistance. It's partially genetic. Also partially depends on your diet. If a type 1 diabetic eats excessive calories, they will have to self administer more insulin, and will obviously incur insulin resistance in response to that extra insulin just like a type 2 diabetic does. There is also some effect in the fact that DM1 patients administer insulin into their fat, which seems to result in insulin resistance in the body (periphery) but less so in the core (liver and presumably other organs like the brain too).