oh3fiftyone t1_j5mbdy3 wrote
Reply to comment by Quelchie in TIL the first known résumé was written by Leonardo da Vinci, when applying to be a military engineer for the Duke of Milan. It's mainly just a list of his designs for siege weapons (including trebuchets). He briefly mentions his art: "In painting, I can do everything possible." He got the job. by Pfeffer_Prinz
Salesmanship, probably. His “covered vehicle” designs don’t seem particularly practical either.
oh3fiftyone t1_jdi79nm wrote
Reply to comment by stillnotelf in [WP] Gandalf and Dumbledore switch places. Gandalf is now running Hogwarts, while Dumbledore is leading The Fellowship. by yax51
I feel like Gandalf in academia would be more of a researcher who found actually teaching to be an annoying necessity best foisted upon aides. He shows no reluctance whatsoever to dive into the books for literal years at the beginning of Fellowship to research the ring. I agree that he’d handle Voldemort in an afternoon, though.