
olduvai_man t1_j6av9or wrote

Got it, and I pseudo-understand everyone's side in this,

I've got a disabled kid and have worked two jobs throughout the relationship. It would be easy to get bitter and complain, but my wife has always been there to support me and has helped with the kids. If she came out and told me how she shaped them from a young age, I'd agree!

Keeping score in relationships is a sure-fire way to ensure you will be divorced. It's a partnership, and sometimes one group will give more than the other, but it should even out in the end and both sides should come to an agreement that responsibility has been largely shared and that love supported the remainder.

Perhaps your husband is lazy or didn't contribute (it's impossible to determine without his side), but I'd just drop it and focus on the good things each of you are doing now. The father of your children being proud at his role as a parent is a positive thing some would kill for (unless he truly is a deadbeat).

Hope you two can come together, but this line of thinking is a death sentence for a family.


olduvai_man t1_j6aql1e wrote

In another comment, you indicate that you went on FMLA while he worked (unless I'm reading that wrong). Perhaps that's why you took on the brunt of the child-care (again unless I'm misunderstanding)?

In any case, the fact that you're reaching back 7 years to get upset seems to indicate that there is a larger problem here.


olduvai_man t1_j5i3x1d wrote

WTF, how are you coming across the same way in the retelling as you do during the incident? I've got a permanently disabled kid, and you can't possibly fathom the heartache and loss that someone in this position is going through.

The reason she is even reaching out to you is likely because she is trying to maintain a social life and personality of her own because being a parent of a child with needs takes over your life and erases your identity.

The fact that you thought it would be appropriate to ridicule this kid, and find a way to insult her with your "apartment warming" quip in this post, speaks volumes about you as a person.

You sound like a terrible human being.