
omninascent t1_iy95yl0 wrote

Yikes, yeah I think you just have to humble pie this one and work on your boundaries. Life is full of lessons, you just need to respond to this in a productive way. You’ve got to show her that you’re hers only at this point. You should consider changing how you interact with work and your social circle to put an end to the possibility of that happening again, and do it in a way that your wife sees. If I were you I’d find a weekly thing that you two can do alone (i.e. pottery class [use Google]) together so that you can invest into your relationship and hopefully reestablish trust, but it’s going to take time. Granted this was pretty small in the grand scheme of things you’ll need to understand that this has hurt her in a very big way… it’s going to take a big response over a long period of time to recover.. and it’s probably going to come up again and again so be prepared for being open to understanding what she’s feeling when it comes up again. Yeah man, the dog house sucks… just own it.