
onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivk68dc wrote

What about the people who make a living by playing video games? Or the people who struggled with education and decided that adult entertainment is something they like? If no one in a family depends on someone, it can also mean that the other members of the family are equally independent, it's not unheard of. As for needing money to farm, not really, provided you know what sort of plants to look for and how to harvest the seeds properly, all you need is an empty piece of land (which is highly abundant in forested/wooded areas naturally) and some water. You'll argue against all of this obviously because you can't handle the fact that people can be independent.


onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivj4j9k wrote

So video games or adult entertainment is 100% incapable of bringing someone happiness? But I guess if they sink their eyes into a book instead that okay with you though huh.

How about this, let's say you decide to move out if you haven't already but would prefer to live far from main society (cities/towns) and find a decent cabin in the forest/woods, you're telling me that's going to affect your loved ones and society when in actuality it's not doing anybody any harm? As long you are happy, your loved ones would be too.

I'll be honest, you sound miserable as fuck about what OTHER PEOPLE do with their own lives.

"Those who mind, don't matter. Those who don't mind, do matter."


onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivj0ccw wrote

Sounds very ol' skool. If playing video games and jacking off makes someone happy, it literally has zero affect on you. You need to get over the fact that people do in fact like to be alone. Sure, they might have a primitive instinctive need to have all those things you mentioned but let's face it, not you or I have any say on how somebody chooses to live their life.


onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_iszmrm4 wrote

Sod's Law dictates that because those ancient pathogen aren't coded for our habitat that that may just be the reason they're potentially deadly.

Either way, the Covid-23 Pro X is gonna be fun.