
ostensiblyzero t1_j6oikns wrote

Nah she was cleaning something and left the room to go handle a disruption in the dining room. The older guy then went over and drank it. I work at a skilled nursing facility and I bet you that they are regularly short staffed, including housekeeping (which is why she was having to clean up something herself in the first place). CNAs and LVNs are incredibly overworked and on a tight-rope between the company's metrics and their nursing licenses. It is easy to blame an individual nurse or nurse assistant rather than say hey, maybe we should hire more people so we aren't constantly taking care of twice the amount of poeple that is legally safe. Regularly, the state will come in and inspect the facility... but somehow our administration always knows about it in advance, and rushes to put out the ppe we've been asking for for the last 6 months, hires nurses off registry so we aren't short staffed, and the second the inspectors are gone it's back to normal.

Point is, it doesn't seem like this was intentional at all, but rather an overworked nurse who is about to get reamed by the state because her company treats her like garbage.