
p33k4y t1_j28bq40 wrote

It wasn't just the scream. At the time, his speech made him seem unhinged and unstable. It gave the impression that he was another maverick like McCain.

While the speech was actually well received by his core supporters, Dean needed to broaden his appeal and project that he's a serious, rational leader fit for the presidency and all of the responsibilities that it entailed.

Instead managed to convey the complete opposite. His aides tried to blame the microphones, argued that the clips were doctored to make him look bad, etc., but in any case voters thought that he was "unpresidential" and he completely tanked in the subsequent primaries.


p33k4y t1_j1rfrwh wrote

More to this story.

Anna Freud was Secretary to the International Psychoanalytical Association -- a professional association for psychoanalysts that's still operating today.

The Gestapo interrogated her for 12-hours about this association, because they believed psychoanalysis was part of a Jewish conspiracy.

They didn't know that Anna was ready to commit suicide using Barbital had the Gestapo tortured or imprisoned her, rather than compromising others. Anna and her brother Martin had secretly obtained the Barbital from their family physician, Dr. Max Schur.

Sigmund Freud, fearing the worst, broke down after Anna was released. He went to the British consulate and requested passage for 16 members of his family and close friends -- including Dr. Schur.

They were all able to escape to London in 1938, but the story doesn't end there.

Sigmund Freud was suffering from cancer and within months of escaping the Nazis, his condition deteriorated sharply.

In severe pain with no hope for recovery, he went to Dr. Schur to end it all. With Anna's consent, Max Shur administered high doses of morphine. Sigmund Freud passed away a short time later, in September 1939, from the euthanasia.


p33k4y t1_iydgosh wrote

The fact that:

  • Conservative MPs have been publicly asking for an investigation for weeks
  • The Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is openly questioning "what Trudeau knew" about the Chinese interference allegations
  • Even the NDP (!) supported Pierre Poilievre's proposal for a committee study

It's not rocket science to figure out which party has a big problem on their hands right now.


p33k4y t1_iycmjib wrote


p33k4y t1_iycm40b wrote

>Keep the conservatives out by undermining their foreign partners.

It's the opposite in Canada.

China directly or indirectly funds a huge % of left-leaning politicians.

I'm surprised by these investigations because members of Trudeau's party and many of his closest allies are surely implicated.


p33k4y t1_iubjs0i wrote


A family member also operated Morse around that timeframe.

He told me in comm rooms there were constant chatter of Morse code in the background from traffic meant for other stations.

Yet at times even when he was half asleep / dozing off from fatigue while on duty, his hand would automatically reach for the Morse key "clicker" and start to respond subconsciously whenever his station's "dit-dit-dah" code came on air.


p33k4y t1_irqpdit wrote

>This change from Low Bypass Turbofan to High Bypass occurred in the 80s.


The CFM56 also started production in 1974 but did not enter commercial service until 1982.