
p_pal2000 t1_iwmsygd wrote

>Zeos has very similar tastes compared to mine.

This is a good way to follow reviewers in general, no disagreements there.

>I trust him more than any other reviewer.

I mean maybe consider re evaluating that trust honestly? I think he's entertaining and has some interesting vids sometimes sure. But at the end of the day he's more salesman than reviewer. He rarely publishes a negative review. I could explain more but there's a reason a majority of people in this sub and other more headphone focused subs tend to not use his reviews as a good "objective" viewpoint (although that isn't to say there is a reviewer out there who is purely objective, nor that pure objectivity is even desired).

Edit: Just to further clarify, relative to the more technical reviewers out there, and disregarding other criticisms of Zeos, he doesn't match that same level of technical info you get from someone like Super Review or Crin, but that doesn't mean one is necessarily better than the other.*

Either way I'd encourage you to search around here and other audio forums about zeos and/or other reviewers that could also line up with your preferences. Always good to find new reviewers whose preferences line up with yours!

>I should probably try one of the IEMs he "tuned", even if I suspect these are just branding collabs.

I say go for it and post your impressions if you feel like it!


p_pal2000 t1_iwmr2z8 wrote

They're not particularly bright or sibilant to me, but I suppose that speaks to how different people are more or less sensitive to different frequencies. Those KZ's you mentioned for example are too unnaturally sharp for me.

I'd recommend figuring out what makes you tick in terms of specific frequencies, since my guess is you're sensitive to specific regions of treble but not others (since the KZs are more often described as bright but in a different way to the Zero, and you like one but not the other). Then you can use that info along with frequency response graphs to check potential future purchases yourself without having to solely rely on reviews.

>Reviewers will often hype a product to get more products sent to them free of charge by manufacturers

Yeah but if you can identify the reviewers that tend to do this a lot you can just stay away from their reviews for future purchasing decisions. Some of the bigger offenders I've found are Z Reviews and HBB (to an extent). There's also dankpods but he falls more into a tech tuber territory (casual viewer audience that isn't necessarily interested in more nuanced details of audio).

On the other hand I've found crin to be pretty good as a standard baseline of how to review things while being aware of biases, but personally I really like Super* Reviews and some of the redditor reviewers around this sub too.

At the end of the day, graphs and reviewers are just data points that you should factor into but not fully base your purchases on.


p_pal2000 t1_iwmoodz wrote

>They're clearly not for everyone.

This can be said about every single headphone, what's your point exactly? Not sure I'm understanding.

>there are too many stellar reviews and recommendations for these online.

In my opinion that's because they provide a good value for their price point. If you don't like their tuning you get something like the CRA(+) or something else more bassy and/or warm instead.


p_pal2000 t1_ittbdk9 wrote

Damn near anything from Tennyson, but their Telescope EP is something else. Collapse, Virgil, and Sleepwalk particularly for me are just

chef's kiss

Highly recommend it and pretty much everything they put out.

For something different but still in my opinion expertly mixed/mastered, "narrowcast." have put out a few songs and an EP that I've been really vibing with. They've got either I think an album or an EP releasing this Friday too!