paulthebackpacker t1_j6o05oj wrote
Reply to Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
There was some neat research about a decade ago that showed if you want to increase test scores in a school, the only thing you'd have to change is the number of minutes of recess :) Schools are supposed to be research-based, simply ask for the research to back up their practice. If they can't, it's malpractice :)
paulthebackpacker t1_iw2c2oq wrote
Not an answer, but fun fact.... Cleveland was named after a guy from CT. At one point there were more people living in Ohio born in CT than from any other state. Ohio was a great place to move to once you became tired of growing rocks.
paulthebackpacker t1_ivhzl9a wrote
Reply to comment by Themadskier in Asbestos testing by C-Hen
Second covering it. To get it removed is full on haz mat suits and plastic bubble :)
paulthebackpacker t1_j6o184u wrote
Reply to comment by TrashPandaShire in Better grocery stores than Whole Foods in Central CT by raindroptop
Shhh....please keep this place a secret.