
pbredd t1_ir0v9u7 wrote

Ahh yes it’s drakes fault…. Is it his fault that they are also in the middle school lunchroom saying it increasingly louder to see how much they can get away with. Or kids calling eachother it while playing pick up basketball at the town courts, or the other countless times it’s been happening…. But yeah let’s not educate our kids and tell people who find racism unacceptable fragile…

Also, I didn’t overhear it, the black man running the tryouts did and kicked them off the court as he should have ..


pbredd t1_ir0qdk2 wrote

I guess that depends on what you consider black nationalist/ supremacy groups…. I dont consider groups that protest cops killing blacks like Black Lives Matter a nationalist or supremacy group..: plus the factor of minority status makes black nationalism difficult … I think the white nationalists often twist the message of their “counterpart” in order to rouse the hate …


pbredd t1_ir0fros wrote

I don’t know but personally I don’t really hide swear words from my kids but try to explain to them that they are not appropriate for kids…. Racial slurs are a different level for me… I go out of my way, every time they hear one, to explain to them the gravity of those words… they don’t have a lot of exposure to POC in this state so I think it is important to educate them as best we can…


pbredd t1_ir0f1al wrote

Agree 100%. But there is more isn’t there? I mean this most recent one was amongst 8 year olds… I don’t even think they understand the gravity of the word as they were using it in front of black adults and kids…. And there are those pushing for less education about the history of racism and slavery in this country… (read some of the other comments on this post). They think it’s simply about a “word” and somehow claiming to be victims … I think this country is broken for good


pbredd t1_ir08jv0 wrote

That’s bs and you know it. The word is loaded by the history of slavery and racism in this country…. If black people choose to own it and make it their own then so be it…. Whites don’t have thet luxury…. Plus I didn’t hear that word being used once during the halftime show…. Although the eight seems to have heard it 1000 times
