
pennomi t1_jap9rq0 wrote

Whataboutism at its finest. Please learn how to properly formulate an argument, because shitty logical fallacies aren't welcome here.

The US is obviously also guilty of unethically invading sovereign nations. That being said, they have not annexed any of the territories in question. Regardless, just because the US does it absolutely does not justify it being done by Russia.

In this case, the US is in a rare position of being on the ethical side in a military conflict. There is no justification for forcibly annexing another country's territory.


pennomi t1_jamgrp6 wrote

I’m shocked that a nation would have a well-researched plan to destabilize its geopolitical enemy. Shocked, I tell you!

Of course it’s been a plan. Russia has been consistently invading and annexing pieces of sovereign nations for decades, and that needs to stop. I’m happy they’re finally being punished for the atrocities they have committed.


pennomi t1_jakv8nj wrote

Indeed, that’s why the United States funded Ukraine’s invasion into Russia.

Oh no wait, it was Russia that invaded Ukraine, my bad.

It is extremely obvious who are the aggressors and who are the defenders here. If there is any breaking up of Russia, it’s entirely self-inflicted.