
peteysweetusername t1_ivq6dsu wrote

What I meant was more of a take on the legislature. These ballot votes show where the public at large thinks and they overwhelmingly supported question 2. In my book, with that kind of support, the legislature should have easily passed this legislation rather than having to collect tens of thousands of signatures. They did vote to pass questions that ultimately lot are being decided on a 55/45 margin. The difference to me is obviously lobbyist influence


peteysweetusername t1_ivpe0py wrote

I’m not surprised. What’s surprising to me is question 1 and question 4 are close calls and previously received affirmative votes from the legislature. Question 2 has 3:1 support and the legislature didn’t even vote for it. To me it shows the lobbyists’ power in the state


peteysweetusername t1_ivgwnms wrote

What are you talking about? How can you get coverage at $240 per year and actually get covered for cleanings, X-rays, and drill/fills?

Delta dentals publicly available tax return shows they spent 60% of premiums on patient care. Their ceo is paid 2.5x what the ceo of Harvard pilgrim earns all while managing a company about a third of the size. It’s a cash grab by insurance companies


peteysweetusername t1_ivgcxh4 wrote

Not necessarily. If the reimbursement for my root canal goes from 50% to 80% than the dentist still gets the same amount of money, it’s just less money coming out of my pocket. Also if it’s between insurance companies getting my money vs a small business owner like a dentist office, my votes on dentists 100%