
pfcalisesi t1_ivsdwq0 wrote

“No offense, but that's not fair,” objected Homer.

Aldrige rolled his eyes and made his way across the living room to the fruit bowl sitting on the kitchen table. Aldrige grabbed the bright green apple, that seemed to be calling his name. He was tired of Homer's constant complaints and often found himself wishing someone else had found the iPhone.

“Mmmm, what is this one called?” Aldriged asked as he bit into the green apple.

“'s a granny smith apple...” Homer said bluntly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Really weird name...” said Aldrige as he plopped himself on the brown leather couch in the living room. Aldrige flung his feet over the left arm of the couch and laid his head on the right arm cushion.

“Get off my're not staying for long,” said Homer.

“Is this how you treat all your magical wonder you're a loner,” said Aldrige smiling and enjoying his apple.

“You told me if I would help you secure the crystal regalia, I would be granted five wishes! You lied and used me!” exclaimed Homer.

Aldrige sat upright and juggled the half eaten granny smith apple in his hand. He then threw it in the air. As the apple approached the ceiling it suddenly stopped and slowly floated down, as graceful as a feather. The apple landed comfortably on top of Aldrige's big red curly hair.

“Tah Dah! Now how many of your college buddies can do that!” said Aldrige excitedly.

“Leave!” yelled Homer pointing to the mahogany wood double doors.

Aldrige took the apple off his head and stood up. He looked seriously at Homer, Homer was obviously in no mood for his games.

“Look Homer, I didn't lie... we secured the thrown, ring and scepter...we needed the armilla and failed to acquire have only two wishes left...I am a fair Genie. You are lucky you unlocked me and not a Chiseler or worse a Svengali...those are the worse..” Aldrige shivered at the thought. Aldrige continued, “ We Genie come in different classes, as a Farceur, I am neutral, though mildly annoying...ok very annoying, our goal is not to hurt. I can't say the same about Opi.”

“Opi has done nothing but help, don't bring him into this! He's the only reason I was able to secure the crown and robe,” defended Homer.

“Yes...and that's what I'm worried about. He is a Chiseler, his blood can not be denied...anyway I don't want to get into that. Homer, the only way to get four more wishes is to secure the armilla and mantle. You only have two wishes left.”

Homer let out a large sigh and ran his fingers through his jet black hair, he was frustrated. Frustrated that he failed and frustrated that he couldn't get what he wanted with the wishes he had left. Homer left out another sigh and said “Ok...fine we're going back to the castle then.”

Aldrige's eyes opened wide and he nervously said “ sure? It's going to take one of your wishes to do that and and there's no certainty we will succeed...”

“I have to....everyone is relying on me. Now that I have the gift of supernatural charisma, I may be able talk my way into the royal treasury. King Darian never suspected me as the thief...let's go,” said Homer as he grabbed his brown puffer coat on top of the kitchen table.

Homer put on his coat and reached into his left arm pocket. He pulled out his iphone and looked at Aldrige.

“Ahh not that thing again.....I never thought I'd say this, but I miss my lamp,” said Aldride as he placed his palms together and gave a short nod. Aldrige was then instantly transported in Homer's phone. Homer placed the phone in this pocket and quickly hurried out the marbled front doors.