philm162 t1_jbnx5ej wrote
Who knew? I spent half my childhood walking on train tracks. Different times.
philm162 t1_ja3jj67 wrote
Reply to comment by capistor in Copper Door - Bedford. Swingers? by [deleted]
Well, aren’t we just a little ray of sunshine.
philm162 t1_j9tagf1 wrote
Reply to comment by Heybroletsparty in New Hampshire House Passes Cannabis Legalization Bill That’s Sponsored By Top Republican And Democratic Lawmakers by OregonTripleBeam
“Way out west, there was this fella… fella I wanna tell ya about. Fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski…”
philm162 t1_j83stcn wrote
Overwhelming majority of NH voters want cannabis reform but Sununu’s planning a presidential run. His GOP base loves the “war on drugs” like mom and apple pie.
philm162 t1_je90w6t wrote
Reply to N.H. governor’s policy to destroy records within 30 days raises transparency concerns by mindi4nh
This will come back to haunt his presidential ambitions.