
pkpy1005 t1_iy7ujx7 wrote

The thing that I am absolutely sick about NIMBYs in Montclair is the lack of an alternative...

So what should be done with this derelict property? It's not being used...there are few businesses there...4th Ward of Montclair, where I live in and has the lowest average income in town has been recognized by various authorities as a food desert with no grocery store.

So pray tell, all these rich white people living on the other side of town who think they know the only solution is to do nothing? Because as far as I'm concerned, "historical preservation" was used as pretext for keeping out undesirables.

Yet these people look at you in the eye with their BLM signs in front of their $800k house, but won't hesitate to call the cops at the first moment of trouble.

So much fake liberalism in Montclair-a-lago....