
pm_me_your_rigs t1_j7x1src wrote

The truth is as someone who has worked on large scale networks for many years. Shit is perpetually broke. But generally there is enough redundancy to mask those issues.

And for code pushes there are generally multiple levels validation and approval before things roll out.

Even then, there will be bugs. No process is perfect.


pm_me_your_rigs t1_j6ekpf1 wrote

So that map has pretty good quantities of underground water in California yet California goes through droughts every year

So where is the deviation coming from here? Obviously if there was enough water they would be digging down deep enough to get it? Is it just cost prohibitive to dig down deep enough and clean it

Or does that map only show certain times of the year


pm_me_your_rigs t1_j16jdlz wrote

>Hats off to David Pierce and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries for denying a permit to the frat boys of the sea, Ocearch.

Oh yeah this article doesn't have a bias at all.

Again this article is literally just a puff piece there is no actual data in this article suggest they're doing what you say they're doing just a guy riding an article on the internet. He claims he has a video and yet doesn't provide it


pm_me_your_rigs t1_ix1437i wrote

This fact was solidified when I moved to a country with right hand drive vehicles

Took me a while to not go to the 'wrong' side.

Then I moved back to left hand drive countries and I still went to the "wrong' side of the car. Lol