
putriidx OP t1_jdt4b2y wrote

Hey yeah let me try to explain!

So the trench here is simply rocks and a corrugate pipe, but the pipe is cut horizontally so it's basically just a "u" shaped pipe.

The rocks lead to that box drain and don't go into it unless there's enough force pushing it because 1. It pools at the beginning and 2. I think the trench may be lower than the box drain.


putriidx OP t1_jds5fcp wrote

Yeah so for the driveway it's got a "lip" I can take a pic if needed. It's one of those neighborhoods that has a half-pipe shaped edging at the end of everyone's yard that runs along and empties into storm drains wherever they are. I don't think I have ever seen water spill over that, and then the top of my driveway also has a "hump" to it. Our driveway is actually shitty we don't even drive down it because it's too steep and short lol.

I don't actually have an issue with water getting into my garage unless the downpour is really heavy and even then it isn't too bad. On the other side of my driveway we have a downspout that goes down and into another section of our backyard, but it's currently sitting higher than the driveway due to terrain but could be fixed. I don't know if cutting into the concrete would be more trouble than it's worth honestly.


putriidx OP t1_jds4umj wrote

Would it be fine to have another small box drain or something similar at the beginning of the driveway (maybe a channel drain if it can work) and have it connect to the current box drain and the downspout?

From where this box drain is I believe it connects to another one or two downspouts and travels down a pretty steep slope and off into my backyard in a area we don't use. It currently can handle the water it does get even when this rock area is working so it may not be overrun..maybe.


putriidx OP t1_jdrrf13 wrote

Awesome thank you! Yeah. It's odd because it really doesn't bother my garage much when it rains. Our neighborhood has those little sloped curbs so most of the water is coming from rain landing on the driveway/yard.

I'll check this guy out I don't think I've seen him out thank you!


putriidx OP t1_jdr4pgc wrote

I'll try to remember to snag a picture later, but from the box drain to the backyard (side of house) it's a pretty good slope then once it hits the back yard it kinda levels but then slopes for 50 or so more feet pretty good.

The drain here goes all the way back a few hundred feet and on the way is connected to another downspout and I am not sure how they did it and I don't even know if I want to look lol