
rdcpro t1_j0vta58 wrote

The way I read it, FIFA is saying the UAF doesn't have a way to remove the current president of the UAF, no matter what his transgressions were, and that holding a special meeting to do so has to be in person, not virtual, despite there being a war on.

So essentially the UAF wants to remove a corrupt executive, but FIFA says no can do. I'll leave the irony of that to the readers imagination.


rdcpro t1_is5ks2e wrote

We have a new kitten, rescued from the local shelter. https://i.imgur.com/lwjqMzU.jpeg

She's quite scared of everything but slowly getting used to us. But she hasn't purred yet, even though she seems content when she's on my lap.

Yesterday my wife was playing YouTube videos of cats meowing to maybe help her acclimate to her new home, but no real reaction from her.

I tried purrli for the first time this morning, and she reacted... Not necessarily positively, but not terrified. So I turned it off. 30 seconds later she started purring for the first time! My wife and I are amazed.

To whoever had the vision and drive to build purrli, thank you!

Ps. https://i.imgur.com/vFHdYZJ.jpeg