
richardawkings t1_j8dm9fe wrote

I upgraded from a 960 to 3080. My graphics card this time around was the price of my entire computer before. I use my rig for gaming and work but if things keep going the way they are going, my next rig would be a console and ill just keeo my computer for work. I could have probably bought a PS5, Switch, Xbox, TV and surround sound system for the price I paid for my current setup. I'm convinced that PC part manufacturers hate PC gamers.


richardawkings t1_j4duf9t wrote

Oh man, I can't wait until they start beaming non-skiplable ads directly at you to make them truly unavoidable! Want to gwt a snack during the ad break? Now the ads can follow you into the kitchen. Imagine seeing "Muting this video will be available after the ad". So many great advertisement opportunities to make ads more targeted and enhance user experience.


richardawkings t1_iy1wk3z wrote

No need to cover up the truth, just throw a bunch of shit around it to make it difficult to tell truth from fiction. Consider that Tucker Carlson is one of (if not the) most popular propaganda outlets in the world and is still considered as (opinion) news and not mainstream.

I think you give people too much credit.