
rick_n_snorty OP t1_jbfgxaq wrote

That was my thought as well, it’s just bizarre that it just started happening a few weeks back. Maybe Verizon and t mobile made the brilliant idea to share towers and totally neglected the bandwidth factor and didn’t care that they’d wipe out cell service for a decent sized city? That’s my guess.


rick_n_snorty OP t1_jbfftyw wrote

It’s different. All of downtown is a total dead zone until you reach a certain border of the city. This is new and people on Verizon are having the same issue

In general, yes they totally suck, I used to travel for a living and they are terrible…. This is something new and different. I get full signal, but nothing loads. It’s different than losing signal in the boonies of CT.


rick_n_snorty t1_j6w2qky wrote

Just fucking say you like guns and wanna shoot ‘em, that’s a totally valid reason to like em. The whole “there should be no limits to people arming themselves, chemical weapons are totally fine. If musk straps a nuke to his rocket, that’s totally cool”

The entire idea of “any weapons laws are an infringement on my god given rights” is just fucking absurd and clearly not how the law was intended. We didn’t have chemical weapons in 1776.


rick_n_snorty t1_j6w25xg wrote

>§ 11-47-8. License or permit required for carrying pistol — Other weapons prohibited.

(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a bump-fire device, binary trigger, trigger crank, or any other device that when attached to a semi-automatic weapon allows full-automatic fire. Individuals who possess these items shall have ninety (90) days from the enactment of this section to either sell, destroy, or otherwise remove these items from the state of Rhode Island. Every person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten (10) years, or by a fine up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both, and, except for a first conviction under this section, shall not be afforded the provisions of suspension or deferment of sentence, nor a probation.



rick_n_snorty t1_j6vi38z wrote

If the fbi found your you were stockpiling Sarin gas, you’d be arrested for plotting a terror attack. You absolutely do not have the indiscriminate right to bear any armament I’m the US. And yes state laws can absolutely restrict banning any types of weapon.

Source: nyc hun laws, RI gun laws, California hun laws.


rick_n_snorty t1_j6vgkki wrote

Super seeds? Are those what they’re growing down the street from me and the federal government is doing nothing about it?

Any state can ban any type of firearm, it doesn’t matter if there’s an amendment about it or not. If you think otherwise, go buy a fully automatic m16 in RI and we’ll see how that plays out.

Laws change over time, the right to bear arms to fight a tyrannical government was a tad bit different back then. You’re saying musk, , North Korea, the Chinese, and saudis should be able to buy 100 acres in Nebraska, and start building thermonuclear weapons in the middle of the country and that’s totally fine because in America everyone has the god given right to bear arms? Bit different than the musket on musket warfare the amendment was made for, no?


rick_n_snorty t1_j6utq4v wrote

It’s public knowledge how nuclear fission works. Getting the resources to do so is a bit tougher. But go ahead and go try to build a nuclear missile.

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

Your back yard and drinking buddies don’t count as a well regulated militia… they tried that in Oregon.

States absolutely have the right to make laws that contradict federal laws. I can go to two public stores and buy a schedule 1 drug that is federally on the same level as heroin, and I can do it legally 5 minutes from my house. Oklahoma made it illegal to have an abortion before you can even know your pregnant before Rowe v wade was overturned.

Guns are fine, you’re a fucking idiot for thinking it’s a great idea for the government to let billionaires have nukes for shits n giggles because you’re scared you’ll need to take on the us government with your Glock and semi auto ar.

State judges can totally challenge or go against federal laws, then it moves up the court system. Why are you citing an amendment (literally designed to be amended) without having a basic understanding of how state and federal laws work?
