
t1_jecj7sd wrote

this stock is cursed, every normie thinks they are Warrant Buffet and "buying fear" even though none of them have any idea how impaired these books are going to be, ffs most of these banks are paying 5% to the FED on a bond they are getting 3% off of

they are so fucked unless inflation goes to 2% tomorrow (it wont')


t1_je8io0x wrote

Yah it doesnt rly make sense, u cant attract deposits by loaning money out

Altho i agree with OP’s general assessment that most of these banks r basically bankrupt, FED and GSIB’s just duct taped everything together to kick the can down the road but everyones got a gun to each others head and knows where the toxic assets r

To Fair Market Value (FMV) = 0 we go


t1_je8gaml wrote

Reply to comment by in $FRC - Puzzle Pieces by

We cannot infer diddly squat, look at every other regional bank, even silvergate still shows 97% ownership

Idk if europe has different disclosure laws and thats why sweden fessed up but no one else is gonna say shit until long after they r completely our


t1_je7tkg9 wrote

FL a weird one, they have buyback authorized for like 30% of shares outstanding but they don’t actually have nearly that much cash on 👋

Cramer just turned bullish on them today so naturally i bought puts, im assuming some bad news is imminent. I will cover on the bad news tho, there is a very real floor to this not far below these prices (maybe 30 to 50%)


t1_je7obv3 wrote

all the big banks had deposits grow as FRC depositors fled

those same big banks, deposited the same money back at FRC, presumably for interest

if the same big banks would have refused, FRC would have collapsed and thru FDIC those big banks would have had to repay the depositors anyways

this is a freaking shell game OP and you are falling hook, line, and sinker for it. Also, the deposits are only agreed upon for 120 days. Tick tock, u still have time to exit this position before u get 0'd bro


t1_jdgenpa wrote

I feel like march 2020 taught people the wrong lessons since almost nothing went to 0 altho it felt like that’s where we were headed, after 3 weeks of bear we had 3% rallies forever everything was so bullish, hell back then even declaring bankruptcy was bullish (Hertz up 800% on the good news)

Ppl we are only -4% off local highs and jerome just told us his printer will likely stay off during our descent

Buy fucking puts jfc


t1_j9lyvzc wrote


We will limit down soon

In alls eriousness minutes dont matter diddly squat, market waits for these things to make its move but these shits dont matter its nothing we havent heard


t1_j27p0p9 wrote

fwiw LEN is diff demo lower cost housing, TOL average sale is 1mil, i'm bullish TOL KBH BLDR LPX BXC PGTI

i know i'm moving goalposts here a bit but i've said this in other comments, higher end homebuilder r diff

Homebuilder that are localized like the shit ackmans in that serves phoenix vegas texas is fucked

lower end possibly fucked idk i haven't really looked into it

EDIT : lower end of econ is getting fucked in a much diff way than higher end rn blah blah i know i'm shifting goalposts a bit here