
rockmasterflex t1_jeftzuk wrote

Young adults want to go to schools with night lives. NYC is right there!

NYC: many schools, “top” city in the US according to many, tons of nightlife

NJ: nobody wants to be in Newark. New Brunswick is okay…. And wait what big colleges do we have in cities outside Newark? Oh right all the ones in… NYC… which is not in NJ


rockmasterflex t1_jefsr5p wrote

There’s not gonna be one source that can outline all the socioeconomic and geographic complexities that goes into “how people graduating from high school pick colleges” but here’s some (old) data around high school graduation rates and enrollment in a college anywhere across all the states


rockmasterflex t1_jeexfx4 wrote

NJ State Pop: over 9 million

This article: OMG 11k people moved inside the state to probably bigger houses!

I don't always write news articles, but when I do its to talk about how .0001% of the population of NJ may have moved to a different zip code in the state.

ALSO migration is only mildly related to population, even at the county level. I see a lot of commenters not understanding this?

In 2010 even (data here: The birth rate in NJ was about 300 new residents per DAY.



@ 13 births per 1000 people.

You think Essex, Passaic and Bergen county cant lose 11k people/families from moving and not simply have that replenished AND EXCEEDED by their birth rate?

Absolute nothingburgers here. If you think people are LEAVING NJ in droves, feel free to buy up all those vacant, price-collapsing houses they're leaving behind! Oh wait!


rockmasterflex t1_j6497w5 wrote

Right. You can solve affordable housing even in the suburbs by building complexes near public transport.

A big complex in the middle of nowhere with 20 mins of road to get to transport is a failure in premise before it’s even built.

As other commenters have mentioned, other good places to build: existing abandoned lots/malls. Malls were targeted to areas with decent transportation access anyway, and they’ll never come back… soooo start going up!


rockmasterflex t1_j4wz5ut wrote

the votes being nonpartisan HUGELY change the way it works.

Instead of being on the ballot as D or R and being in that column, its a random-ish order, with the incumbents called out.

This is beneficial because almost nobody votes in those elections, and of the people who DO, 90% of them have no idea what theyre doing, they just vote down D?R column, which is objectively bad for small scale govt.

Take the ability to do that away, and they have 3 choices:

  • vote for incumbents

  • vote for challengers

  • actually prepare for the election and figure out what you want to do (or remember a few interactions with your town govt and vote the people you hate out)

all 3 of those are smarter voting patterns than "the guy was on the right team"