
ryan_s007 OP t1_j8glzid wrote

Imagine the potential if the user did have strong knowledge of the process being automated. The problem then is not the plurality of the knowledge the bot can regurgitate, but the intelligence it has within a specific domain.

I suggest that this domain be the logical translation of natural language into code. By training the bot in a specific environment, connecting domain-specific topics to structures in code is made possible and more accurate.

And the individuals with strong knowledge of their roles would provide the most accurate instructions to the bot. Even when accuracy fails, the simplicity of the process will inevitably crowd-source enough data for some to be of use to technical programmers.

The biggest deterrent to this is the cost and time it takes to train the bot.


ryan_s007 OP t1_j8fv8na wrote

It's by far its biggest limitation. I hope that more testing and curation will mitigate this problem, but it's why oversight by technical programmers is a necessity for the short-term.

Either way, if the code is not complete garbage, it should speed up the tasks of the programmers with the benefit of creating a job for the original role experts whose role is being automated.


ryan_s007 OP t1_j8e2arf wrote

The likely solution is probably something along the lines of AI managing all the aspects of human life while we live like the humans of Wall-E.

The other solution is to reject modernity and connivence and return to the lifestyle of our predecessors.

But if we assume automation is inevitable, ChatGPT allows for more inclusivity in the near future. Before robots begin programming other robots without any human intervention anyway.


ryan_s007 OP t1_j8dt0zd wrote

Automation is one of the most impactful trends shaping our world today. It has the potential to greatly improve productivity and quality of life, but also raises concerns about job displacement.

Chatbots like ChatGPT could play a transformative role in ensuring the benefits of automation are distributed fairly. This relatively tame application of ChatGPT could have far-reaching implications for the future of automation design.