
sakizashi t1_j697l7r wrote

DC is a great place to live. Tons of stuff to do, great food scene. and compared to most "world class" cities in the US its actually relatively affordable to live in the urban areas.

While cyclists love to gripe (and legitimately about their safety) for a city its size the DC metro area has a pretty robust road cycling and triathlon scene. In that vein, its amazing to be able get up early and go for a run or bike through the monuments.


sakizashi t1_j2f85xa wrote

They might be looking away from you to see if there is another danger coming like a car is going to swerve around you to enter the intersection.

When walking, I have found that taking even a second to acknowledge one car can put me in danger from another. In other words, you have been evaluated as safe and they are looking for the next thing.

Its a bummer, but we live in a city where red lights are optional and curb sneaking at 20mph to blow through stop signs is a normal thing.