sandcrawler56 OP t1_j25hf4b wrote
Reply to comment by Songmuddywater in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
Nope, I have not said anything to defend it. Not that it matters anyway because someone like you is more interested in hearing their own argument than trying to understand what others have to say. The fact that you repeatedly resort to ad hominem arguments is just really sad.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j23r30z wrote
Reply to comment by Songmuddywater in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
Um, I never said I advocated for it. I said there is nothing I can do to stop people experimenting with it. And I hope that for the sake of our children's futures, something good comes out of it. I never once advocated for this to be the right thing to do.
You might as well say you refuse to be treated by modern medicine because all the good that we are able to do now is sure as hell based on a bunch of human and animal suffering through the centuries of experimentation and getting things wrong. Much of the progress we have now as a human species has been built upon the suffering of those in the past.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j22mktb wrote
Reply to comment by Songmuddywater in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
I'm not a vegan. And no I don't think this is right but I also can do nothing to stop this. I just hope that some good eventually comes out of it and the technology evolved to the point that this is not necessary.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j226lbm wrote
Reply to comment by Songmuddywater in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
I don't see how that's necessarily more cruel than the already cruel regular meat industry. I believe that eventually we will make a breakthrough that will remove the need for this step.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j225qla wrote
Reply to comment by bluntrauma420 in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
You should just lab grow real dicks and serve that instead.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j1yet26 wrote
Reply to comment by vwlukefairhaven in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
Cannibalism. Now that's something I haven't considered before... Maybe 2030 will be the year then.
Yes theroatically everything could be grown. Ears, heart, liver. The issue is that if these things become a niche product, it flips the economics on its head. Right now people use these things because they are readily avaliable waste products that are cheap. If they are niche products, they will most certainly become expensive. I can see how a chicken heart could cost more per gram than a high end steak. If this was the case, ain't no one going to be eating chicken hearts except at super fancy restaurants, which would be a pity.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j1xyuq9 wrote
Reply to comment by KelBowie in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
Yeah but its different. Mushroom broth is delicious but its not the same as chicken or beef broth. Will chicken broth just not be a thing anymore? That will change food dramatically because A LOT (and I mean A LOT) of things use chicken broth as a base flavour.
sandcrawler56 OP t1_j1xymr1 wrote
Reply to comment by kdfsjljklgjfg in What would food look like if we could scale up lab grown meat? by sandcrawler56
Yeah exactly. All that would be sold will be the most expensive or profitable cuts.
sandcrawler56 t1_iv92w6l wrote
Reply to Chinese scientists develop salt-tolerant soybean that can grow well on previously barren soil by mutherhrg
This sounds awesome. I'm just wondering if the beans will be salty since they suck up salty water? How that that even work from a plant biology point of view?
sandcrawler56 t1_j94xs78 wrote
Reply to comment by Comfortable_Art_4163 in Which medical specialties are future proof? by MeronDC
Technically a lot of the job a doctor does is basically fixing plumbing inside a human so I suppose they will do just fine :)