
sawta2112 t1_jeahcjh wrote

With our two rescues, they wanted to know we had a vet appointment set up ASAP. Adoption was pending verification of the appointment.

Fortunately, the dogs had been well cared for through the rescue. No surprises...except one of our dogs is probably a fair bit older than the rescue thought. It was fine because I don't mind senior dogs. He's the sweetest baby!


sawta2112 t1_j8ceg4z wrote

I found the guy who built my screened porch at Home Depot. We were both waiting to get paint mixed and struck up a conversation. I took his card and checked him out online. Discovered that we had friends in common. He did my porch, beautifully, and a few other jobs on that house. Several years later, when I was building a new house, I had him stop by the construction site at various points to make sure things were being done right. (He doesn't do full house construction, otherwise I would have hired him)

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