scottevil110 t1_j9zyc9o wrote
They're called seconds because they are the second division of an hour.
scottevil110 t1_ivz4plz wrote
Reply to comment by ProLibertateCH in Americans are more engaged with science news than in 2017 by BlitzOrion
> Trump never said « bleach »
And I didn't say anything about Trump.
scottevil110 t1_ivxpf52 wrote
Eh, I don't trust this. This is going to be pretty much entirely because a lot of people consider anything related to COVID to be "science", no matter what it is. The crackpot who is injecting bleach is going to say they heard about that from "science". The person who heard about the latest variant is going to say they heard some science news.
It's not like people are suddenly more interested in meteorology or physics.
scottevil110 t1_iufu0ho wrote
Reply to comment by redditmias in TIL We are currently amidst the longest gap between EF5 tornadoes in history by Danielnrg
And? It's an American news article. Why would it NOT be about the US? And OP posted it saying "we", which is factually true no matter how you slice it. So you COULD have gone with the interpretation of "Well, it's true for everyone." But you decided to go with the interpretation that could let you complain about it, instead.
scottevil110 t1_iuekdv7 wrote
Reply to comment by redditmias in TIL We are currently amidst the longest gap between EF5 tornadoes in history by Danielnrg
Yes it does. And it shows that the original OP was true. We, being humanity, are in our longest streak of not having one.
scottevil110 t1_iud02q5 wrote
Reply to comment by user-110-18 in [OC] Number of Costco vs Sam's Club Stores across US States by icywatermelons
I have found this a great way to trigger Costco fans. "BUT THE CAFE!" Yes, Sam's has one too.
scottevil110 t1_iu8wq2c wrote
Reply to comment by redditmias in TIL We are currently amidst the longest gap between EF5 tornadoes in history by Danielnrg
When was your country's last EF5? Or any other country?
scottevil110 t1_is9o0q5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Police Killings per Capita v Homicide Rate per Capita for Select OECD Countries [OC] by dr5c
Better but mislabeled. Per capita means per person (per head) so by definition they need to be on the same scale if that's the terminology you're using.
scottevil110 t1_j9zytie wrote
Reply to comment by BubbleThrive in On a clock, the second hand is actually the third hand by BubbleThrive
Absolutely no idea lol.