
scrimshandy t1_j6hxpjv wrote

Pregnancy is inherently a life threatening condition. That is not an exaggeration. Many women - myself included - would choose suicide over pregnancy. I’m fortunate enough to have gotten approved for sterilization, but many women’t don’t have insurance or won’t get approved. Treating birth control and abortion access like healthcare is the way forward


scrimshandy t1_j5prcwo wrote

Temple alum here about to go to bat for the school. First, if your kid is from Philly/surrounding areas and knows how to keep an eye out, they’ll be okay. Temple (like Philly) has gotten more sketchy post-2020, I won’t deny that. However.

It’s an R1 university, which means amazing research opportunities for undergrads. They have a huge study abroad program which for me wad a huge bonus. If your kid is eligible, the honors program is great, too.

Tuition is relatively cheap, especially in state, and they’re generous with scholarships. Campus is close to the sub, regional rail, and bus stops. Lots of student employment opportunities as well (I worked on campus 6 out of my 8 semesters.)

Philly is a fun city with lots of local scenes, if you know where to look. And very abundant with post-graduation employment opportunities. (I graduated with employment offers in my field from Jefferson, CHOP, and Drexel.)

That being said, I absolutely recommend on-campus or off-campus apartment housing for safety until something major changes.