
sex_is_immutabl t1_j1jqpau wrote

They tried it in the UK but we just wind up with the shit left over that couldn't get into the US with the H1b lottery. ARM Holdings in particular made a massive push for "diversity" and in reality just hired a load of indians cheaper than a UK citizen owuld have accepted. It turned CB1 into an entire slum in the process. Guess who owned the property there?


sex_is_immutabl t1_iu9ygdy wrote

This is the company that once upon a time basically invented hiring loads of H1B visas from India to the point where few workers were actually white and entire streets near their office were purely Indian immigrants. Of course senior leadership didn't have such diversity levels. You have to thank Reddit's crush Bill Gates for that.


sex_is_immutabl t1_iu9xqgj wrote

It will always be something though. If it isn't race, it's gender, if it isn't gender its race.

In the UK we have to publish by gender. So the females are paid less, because none of them are in the executive board, and the CEO appoints them, yet its socialised as an issue we all have to fix.

Despite us being in tech where the Pareto principle applies, and very few women actually put in the hours the top males do.


sex_is_immutabl t1_iu09n0i wrote

It's just grooming girls from TikTok to OF and when they hit 21/22 and gain some sort of emotional maturity they ditch it and regret it and aren't the barely legal hot thing.

Not going to get a decent discussion on the ramifications of this on a website full of coomers and "age is just a number" types though.