
shanerbaner16 t1_jaeir17 wrote

I'm not saying the Beatles had zero influence. Obviously they had a lot. My original comment was just about how I think they get too much credit and other bands would've been successful with or without them. It's not any deeper than that. And purely from a musical perspective, all the artists you listed had bigger influences than the Beatles. Easily verifiable


shanerbaner16 t1_jaeh75p wrote

Those bands you listed were definitely not trying to copy the Beatles lol. Hendrix and the stones were obsessed with old blues artists. Bob Dylan was more into country and folk. And pink Floyd made psychedelic music early on and we're also inspired by blues music. It's even how they came up with their name.


shanerbaner16 t1_jae77ov wrote

My problem isn't that the Beatles are overrated (they're not). It's just that they get too much credit for inspiring bands after them and too many people act like they're in a league of their own. Other bands clearly would've figured out their sound and played music like artists had been doing for centuries without the Beatles.


shanerbaner16 t1_j7mnzlt wrote

I don't know any music that's specifically "tribal". But I know a couple songs that give me that vibe:

Far fowls - nujabes

Melt - flying lotus