
t1_jdx0z40 wrote

For structure to form, you need to compress gas in a small volume. As gas is compressed, it's temperature increases and so do the random motions of the theoreticized WIMPs. That means that at a certain point, the gas cloud stops collapsing (this is also called 'virialization'). The only way to collapse further is if the gas cloud would leak out temperature somehow, and that can only happen via radiation. And dark matter can't radiate, so it can't cool further


t1_ithl319 wrote

Dark matter of the galaxy cluster is causing lensing. It actually warps background galaxies even on relatively large angular distances from the cluster (what we call 'weak lensing'). This only produce a small effect, but if we stack this effect, we can effectively 'draw in' the shape and location of the DM in the cluster. This has been done before, in for example the Bullet cluster or the Toothbrush cluster (I know, we are really creative with names here...)