Depends on your financial situation. If you can afford to buy another door if ever needed, then I say hell yeah drill that hole you’ll figure it out. If needing a new door at some point would be very inconvenient or if it’s a super expensive door, then no, don’t do this.
Side note: any windows near by to thread the cord through? Or maybe leave the door open a tad? Or, if you have that rubber strip under the door for weatherproofing you may have enough room to squeeze a cord right under the door.
slyder219 t1_j6h5p8v wrote
Reply to Can I drill a hole in this door, and are there open/closable hole caps I can add to both sides? by rolliejoe
Depends on your financial situation. If you can afford to buy another door if ever needed, then I say hell yeah drill that hole you’ll figure it out. If needing a new door at some point would be very inconvenient or if it’s a super expensive door, then no, don’t do this.
Side note: any windows near by to thread the cord through? Or maybe leave the door open a tad? Or, if you have that rubber strip under the door for weatherproofing you may have enough room to squeeze a cord right under the door.