snoogins355 t1_j35tlq4 wrote
Reply to comment by funwhileitlast3d in US jobless claim applications fall to lowest in 14 weeks by AudibleNod
Fastest way to get a higher salary, switch jobs
snoogins355 t1_j2ec1lx wrote
Reply to comment by BostonFoliage in New Orange Line subway cars pulled from service over safety concerns by Omphaloskeptique
Because we don't make trains in America anymore, we make war machines. And those cost billions and billions. I wish we did make trains, fast, efficient, and reliable ones! But we fucked up and you have roads that get destroyed every year and bridges hit by idiot truck drivers
snoogins355 t1_j2a4fw2 wrote
Reply to comment by Jackamalio626 in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
Had a similar situation when I worked at stop and shop at 14. $10 of every paycheck (~$100 for weekend work).
snoogins355 t1_j29kms5 wrote
Reply to comment by TakenOverByBots in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
Vote out the leadership
snoogins355 t1_j29jt1a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
My union got us an 8% raise, $1000 bonus, and backpay to June 2020
snoogins355 t1_j293yjl wrote
Reply to comment by willzyx01 in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
That's not much for what the job entails tbh. If it was private sector, I'd bet they would get over $500k
snoogins355 t1_j293tp5 wrote
Reply to comment by DumbshitOnTheRight in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
Not in a union?
snoogins355 t1_j1bzibi wrote
Reply to comment by Trompwnist in The US economy grew much faster than previously thought in the third quarter by barrinmw
We could be much more efficient. Nuclear power in particular
snoogins355 t1_j1bxgxj wrote
Reply to comment by TheGlassBetweenUs in Helpful graphic from NWS about the upcoming storm by ndiorio13
Just wait a few weeks. Getting 2015 vibes…
snoogins355 t1_j1bxcrk wrote
Reply to comment by TheLost_Chef in Helpful graphic from NWS about the upcoming storm by ndiorio13
snoogins355 t1_j15zbyi wrote
Reply to comment by NORAD_Tracks_Santa in We're 1st Lt Sean Carter and Capt. Steve Collier, members of the NORAD Tracks Santa team with NORAD, and we're ready to answer your questions on this 67-year old mission! by NORAD_Tracks_Santa
Is Carter a member of SG1?
snoogins355 t1_j15z71g wrote
Reply to We're 1st Lt Sean Carter and Capt. Steve Collier, members of the NORAD Tracks Santa team with NORAD, and we're ready to answer your questions on this 67-year old mission! by NORAD_Tracks_Santa
What type of stealth has santa got and how many G's can the sleigh pull?
snoogins355 t1_ix8qkyu wrote
Stone Hurst Manor in North Conway, NH is nice!
snoogins355 t1_iuglumq wrote
Reply to comment by NotCleverNamesTaken in Mass. Tax Refunds Will Start To Flow On Tuesday by husky5050
North-South Rail Link and high speed East-West rail would be a good idea too!
snoogins355 t1_iu24zk8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ‘A 24-hour neighborhood’: Wu outlines plans to bring downtown Boston back to life - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
With housing prices they way it is, it's getting there
snoogins355 t1_iu24x65 wrote
Reply to comment by bostonaliens in ‘A 24-hour neighborhood’: Wu outlines plans to bring downtown Boston back to life - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
I mean the combat zone has a history there
snoogins355 t1_iu24jvd wrote
Reply to comment by Extra_Masterpiece_47 in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Lol, yes let's get 5 year olds dealing with the RMV...
snoogins355 t1_iu24fnj wrote
Reply to comment by Interesting-Milk9910 in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
I was thinking put their wipers up, but modern times...
snoogins355 t1_iu24cmw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
First time in Boston?
snoogins355 t1_iu241e8 wrote
Reply to comment by willzyx01 in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Could get that citizen reporting ticket app like NYC has for idling trucks. Do it for blocking the bike lane. You get $40 per ticket. I'd be roaming the streets
snoogins355 t1_j4n1h2g wrote
Reply to comment by Worried-Pizza-3460 in Fossil fuels already peaked, growth in renewables exponential by ObtainSustainability
Where Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology will be interesting to see in the next 5-10 years with EV adoption. Plug in your car at 5PM and help supplement the grid and get the power back overnight, might makes some $ too