
sparkycat99 t1_j6fba2q wrote

Lots of road salt, few municipal snowplows so no snow removal. It hasn’t accumulated and been a bother now for a few years. If we do get snow it’s wet, watch OPM for work at home/school’s out, mostly melts in a day. No one shovels. If it freezes, it can get messy.

I miss the snowapocalypse fun.

I don’t think NYC has gotten any yet this year.


sparkycat99 t1_ix7ukwg wrote

The positioning of the “Fred Hill” campaign poster is sadly ironic.

I was walking with a non cyclist out of town friend and we passed a ghost bike. I stopped for a minute.

He waited patiently - when we started walking again - he asked “what was that?” I explained. He said “I’ve never seen one of those before.”

Later it occured to me that 1) most non cyclists don’t know what a ghost bike is 2) people in cars probably notice moving bikes as much as they do ghost bikes


sparkycat99 t1_ivt3m2b wrote

Go to the hardware store and get some big bags. Your Whole Foods bags are pretty small.

I’m not sure how many trees you have - or if thats just what ends up in your yard from other people’s trees, but when I had a rental house in DC we had A LOT of leaves.

The single big ol’ tree in our backyard was at least 20 of those big hardware store paper bags before it was bare. I used a rake and a snow shovel to get them corralled and in the bags.