
spleenboggler t1_jabcuxj wrote

She should have parked on an unregulated street.

When I lived in that neighborhood a few years ago, there was a car with NJ tags on the unregulated part of 20th Street, between Mt. Vernon and Wallace streets. I don't know why I noticed it, but sometime in the late winter I saw it was crusted over with leaves. And then I saw that the registration had expired about six months prior.

I wanted the parking space, so I called 611, nothing. I used the city web portal, nothing. And then one morning, I saw a PPA guy walking down the street and I stopped him and told him about this, and I'll never forget his response:

"That's not my responsibility."

I think the car finally moved when the city resurfaced the road later that year.


spleenboggler t1_jabcbqm wrote

I'll never forget when I was walking my then-infant daughter, we stopped near a building site, and then moments later watched those guys heave some debris out the third floor window and onto the sidewalk, where we would have been.

I started yelling at those guys, saying that we were right here, and they could have hurt us both. I couple of "sorry"s and "my fault"s from them, and then some guy started in about how it was a building site, and we should have known and shouldn't be near it, and man, let's just say it was good that my daughter was pre-verbal.


spleenboggler t1_j9q487j wrote

Absolutely, considering that what worked as a rhymed couplet then, and doesn't work now, is a key clue in untangling how the pronunciations of words have changed over time.


spleenboggler t1_j553kf0 wrote

Similarly, the middle name of Harry S Truman is literally the letter "S" and nothing more. The name is often written with a period after the S, as though it's an abbreviation, but that's just an old newspaper error, maintained for the sake of continuity.