
t1_jaavvla wrote

And yet my girlfriend's legally parked car got a ticket in Fairmount for being a month late on emissions inspection. Meanwhile every single corner in Fairmount has illegally parked cars near the corners that make it impossible to see at intersections and I've never seen a single ticket on those cars. Law enforcement in this city makes no sense.


t1_j8zy9h2 wrote

The article about Canada is for the option for folks to pay for private healthcare if they want to. It does not say anything about the public healthcare system in Canada failing.

Regarding the first two articles, the NHS is struggling just like the private American healthcare system is struggling. We’re barely a year out from a global pandemic.

The US pays more per capita for healthcare than any developed country in the world. And it’s not even close. A few links doesn’t change anything.


t1_ixxjxci wrote

There's no single best option. They all have upsides and downsides and it's dumb to try and say we should fully commit to any one kind of alternative energy.

Solar and wind don't offer a reliable energy source and require some kind of battery infrastructure to power a grid if there's enough volume to provide enough power to the grid on average.

Nuclear can provide steady energy as the grid requires but has huge overhead in terms of start-up costs. There's also the problem of disposal of waste but I think that's less of a problem.

If we were forward looking enough, we would be building enough nuclear plants to phase out coal and natural gas for energy production in the grid while also building solar and wind to cover the increase in energy usage year after year. That way there's no need to increase coal/natural gas output and they become obsolete once the nuclear plants are built. There's a more nuanced approach where the government heavily subsidizes (more than they have) solar panels so land owners build them on their property that they're not using for things like food anyway and keep energy production as local as possible.


t1_iv8to8g wrote

As far as I know, there isn't any kind of easily accessible free public stream. Folks with antennas in areas where Jeopardy isn't broadcast in Lo-V could have it streamed through something like Plex. Or you could just split a cable subscription with friends and stream it through the ABC app (this is what I do because I do have been bamboozled by antennas claiming to get Lo-V stations).


t1_isvt12i wrote

Idk the few of times I ordered take out from Razza while living in downtown JC I never really dealt with crazy wait times. Even on a Friday or Saturday night it was only an hour max.

I moved to Philly and ordering from Pizzeria Beddia is a crapshoot. I've gone on to see what the wait on takeout is and I've seen 200-300 minutes 90% of the time.

Both make amazing pizza. I haven't actually sat down at either but I'd guess it's actually easier to get a table at Beddia because they have a good amount of space.