
sprcpr t1_j6jjqxf wrote

This is a completely idiotic idea, completely devoid of any sense at all. This is a tax shift onto the people that can least afford it. The current system (correctly) assesses the taxes on the buildings and improvements upon the land. If I own a vacant lot and get taxed at $1000 and a lot across town has a million dollar factory on it and gets taxed the same $1000, how is that fair or reasonable?

The first problem Erie has is the tax burden of the non profits. We have the hospitals, Gannon, Mercyhurst, Prep, Both federal and county courthouses, the zoo, Library and museum, the public dock, along with a church on every corner. All of those provide services to the entire county and region while the city residents bare the tax burden. Add to that the big industrial centers like GE, LORDS, etc. that are outside of the city. Now add the effects of LERTA and the issue is huge. The biggest solution would be a merger between the city and the county. Eliminate the city police department and move it to the county level. Eliminate the City fire department and make it county wide. Eliminate the City streets department and make it a county wide system. Taxes would go down in the city and up in the county. No more LERTA across the board. The only businesses I see taking advantage of LERTA are businesses that would have built here anyway. Does anyone think Walmart wouldn't have built without LERTA? Does anyone think the hotels wouldn't have been built on the Bayfront without LERTA?


sprcpr t1_j464ial wrote

My parents live in the middle of nowhere and my dad had to travel about 30 miles for work very early in the morning. He hit over a dozen deer. His truck looked brand new when he finally got rid of it with 250k miles. It had been repaired and repainted several times. His insurance agent cried on the phone once and begged him to find a different route to work. They couldn't raise his rates or drop him from coverage.


sprcpr t1_it8p09z wrote

Is there a source for this? I would love to be able to cite the sources to my forest family who will be gulping anything the reich facebooks tells them.

I've met Fetterman. Even if he WAS living with his parents, it was because his social work didn't pay enough to support him. He is an absolutely solid guy and it depresses me that Oz is coming so close.


sprcpr t1_it8nw4q wrote

Yes, and I am almost older than the picture ID. Many of my friends had a DL before the picture ID which made faking a DL easier. The early generation wasn't all that difficult to forge as well but required a picture and an ID (because there was no way to just print out a form easily, no printers that were accessible by mortals) it was just easier for a couple of years to use an older paper DL.