
spyson t1_jbv0qdl wrote

Trying is how you find happiness, don't become insecure and talk down to others because they're "try hards".


spyson t1_j89iqff wrote

Even if it's consistent with where he's from, that doesn't mean it's not closed to being criticized. People can have a lot of closeminded views back where they're from, but that doesn't mean it should be acceptable here.

You brought more context to the issue so thank you for that.


spyson t1_ixkjtv7 wrote

Loved the show, entire season was entertaining and this is exactly what I want to see in Star Wars, more complexity.

Only criticism I have is I wish Cassian was a deeper character, Luthen and Mon are great, but Cass doesn't seem very complex. Hopefully that changes in season 2.

Overall an excellent season and my second favorite of the year behind HotD


spyson t1_ixgpaf8 wrote

You can see it in Walking Dead threads where there are just legions of comments about how they stopped watching the show at season 1 when the thread is about Season 10 of TWD or whatever.

Or if there's a GRRM thread it's flooded with posts about finishing the book, it just derails the posts